School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering of was founded in 2018, formerly known as School of Mechanical Engineering, founded in 1978, and School of Automotive Engineering, founded in 1989.

The school now has 8 Bachelor’s Degree Programs, 1 first-level master's degree program in Mechanical Engineering and 5 second-level master's degree programs, 1 Joint Doctoral training Program with Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.


The 8 Bachelor’s Degree Programs are Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation, Mechatronic Engineering, Vehicle Engineering, Automotive Service Engineering, Energy and Power Engineering, Mechanical Designing, Manufacturing and Automation (Sino-US Joint Program) and Transportation (Sino-US Joint Program).

The 5 second-level master’s degree programs are Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Mechatronic Engineering, Mechanical Design and Theory, Vehicle Engineering, Energy Equipment and Process Control.


The school has 217 faculty members, including 20 professors and 73 associate professors. The school has more than 4254students, 914 postgraduate students among them.
